Sunday, June 12, 2011

A little peek into my earlier life.

Let's start at the parents...

They were both born and raised in I don't know if you have ever been around English people, but we are pretty funny. There was never a whole lot of serious conversation in my house growing up and if it did so happen to get serious it was usually broken up by some sort of joke. They were semi strict in as much that when I came home late I got grounded and yelled at but when I wrecked their car they didn't speak to me for days. To be honest, I don't know which punishment was worse. We traveled a lot when I was a kid. No, I am not talking about exotic and extravagant destinations but day and weekend trips...growing up in Southern California made day tripping easy...The Grand Canyon, Yosemite, Santa Monica Beach, Las Vegas, Four Corners (the meeting place of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico and Utah), San Francisco and Monument Valley were favorite spots! I think that helps explain why I get so antsy if I haven't been somewhere for a while.

My brother, Paul, and I were never very close while we were growing up...we were, after all, 7 years apart in age. He was always stronger and smarter than me, by age advantage ONLY (don't hit me!). I remember I always tried to get interested in what he was interested in so I could be a cool kid (I later realized that was the OPPOSITE of what would happen (don't hit me)). When he went off to the Navy I was only 11 and could care less that he was going, but when we went to see him graduate boot camp...or Pass in Review or whatever they call it...I was so excited to see him. We are really close now though and that is what counts (whew, just saved myself getting kicked in the butt...a favorite pastime of his). He is now married and living in New Jersey.

I didn't grow up around family...we moved from England to California when I was 3, so please no questions about how wonderful England because I have no clue!! I have a few fleeting memories of a red Mini Cooper parked in the snow and reddish purpley carpet...oh, and a Lite Brite that my brother if those things interest you, ask away! My mom's sister was close by in Cali for a while until she moved to Northern Cali but my grandparents, 2 uncles, an aunt and a couple of cousins were still in England. The main thing that I regret about this living arrangement is I never got to know my grandparents and we never had family holidays with Gran's pies and Grandad's crazy antics.

We moved to Delaware from California TOO many years ago...please don't ask me why we moved from a palm tree, beach, sunshiny state to Delaware -_- I have yet to TRULY understand this. I don't need 4 seasons...2 is good for me-Spring and Summer. I remember the 1st time I went to the beach here, I was so excited and then we got to Rehoboth Beach...Santa Monica is a beach! Or the 1st time someone took me to the city and they took me to Downtown Wilmington. No words. I just remind myself that if it hadn't been for Delaware, I would not have my hubby or my kids...and yes, that is an advantage not a disadvantage people!

Overall, I have been pretty blessed...thanks to my parents dragging my on weekend outings with my brother (he's on myyyy side, she stuck her tongue out at me, stop touching me, can you tell him to put his window up...which kids these days don't understand thanks to DVD players and iPods) I have been to 38 states and I love to drag my kids on day trips and vacations.

I had my first daughter, Lexie in 1998, I married Jamaine in 2005 and had Jocelyn in 2008. All 3 of them keep me on my toes and they are going to give me plenty of Blog material I'm sure, and I will introduce them soon!

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