Monday, April 23, 2012

My Quarterly Post...(at least it seems to be)

Well, there went my blog. I am hoping that since the weather is getting better my life will become more exciting and I can blog more! For now I will do an update/things to come post.

My girls have been making me proud. Jocelyn is potty training nicely and her last appointment went well...not fantastic but ok. We are going to be having a kidney ultrasound in May but her bladder is emptying almost completely without cathing! That is GREAT news for her. She is still having tummy troubles so she gets daily meds to help keep things moving, and the Dr is hoping that it will resolve itself eventually too because they thought that the bladder meds were causing that issue. She is doing great in dance class which is good because her end of year show is in less than 2 months!

Lexie has kept up with her straight A's and is being considered for the National Junior Honor Society!! We are so proud!! Now she has to write an essay about what she does in and out of school to deserve to be in this elite group! I know she will rock it! She is also loving dance and practices constantly and wants to add tap to her list of things to do next year. I can't believe she will be 14 this summer!!

As for Jamaine...he is doing good and recently went to the Yankees home opener game...although, he said that this would make it harder to leave the East Coast to live on the West Coast. (UGH! It looks like I really might be stuck here.) He is working hard and working out and really trying to get healthy.

I am working hard on my "Get Organized" resolution and I am doing good so far. I have decluttered every room except Lexie's and that is the next undertaking. I am NOT looking forward to that portion. I am finding that once you get yourself together that is easier to get your home together. That is the other thing I am doing...getting myself together. It's hard but necessary, I highly recommend it! I hope to have the whole house in order by Summer.

Speaking of's that wonderful Plan Vacation time!! Well, we already have the locations chosen, now we are working on planning them out. In June we are all heading out to California for 16 days!! Woohoo!! We will be in Bakersfield for a majority of the time but we will be spending 3 days in San Francisco (so we can check off 2 more football stadiums on our life goal list) and at least 3 days in L.A. including taking in a Dodgers game with my childhood bestie and her hubby! That makes me pretty happy! Our second location is Atlanta! I am going for a My Thirty-One National Conference BUT the hubby is coming too and we are going to extend it a day or 2 to explore Hotlanta in August (and we can check off another stadium)! I know it is going to be SOOO hot!! Like 3 showers a day type of hot! I don't know too much about Atlanta but I will be doing research to check out the good spots to eat and sight-see!

That just about wraps things up. We are 49 days from Cali, but who's counting? Oh yeah, ME!!

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